


Panasonic Taiwan創立於1962年,是Panasonic集團的一員,一直以來我們致力於實踐「貫徹為產業人的本份,圖謀社會生活的改善與提高,以期貢獻世界文化生活的進展。」之經營理念,為提供受到顧客喜愛的產品而不斷努力,今後還會透過獨特的技術、產品、服務,進一步豐富人們的生活,並為實現與地球環境共存作貢獻為基礎,展開從台灣到亞洲以至全世界的產銷活動。

Panasonic Taiwan創業之初從生產收音機、電唱機和揚聲器三項產品開始,經過了四十多年來研究開發的累積,厚植「技術立社」、「製造立社」的實力,至今已橫跨了家庭電化、視聽影音、汽車電子、電子元件及馬達等五大事業領域。

Panasonic Taiwan, a member of the global Panasonic Group, was established in 1962. From the outset, we have recognized our responsibilities as industrialists, devoted ourselves to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing quality of life throughout the world. At Panasonic, we work hard to develop and tailor products appreciated and used by consumers and will continue to enrich life’s myriad facets with proprietary technologies, reliable products and professional services. From solid commitments to good corporate citizenship and contributing to environmental protection and sustainability, Panasonic Taiwan today produces and sells products to markets throughout East Asia and the world.

Business Domain
When it first began operations, Panasonic Taiwan was primarily a manufacturer of radios, record players and loudspeakers. More than four decades on, the company has accumulated significant “manufacturing-oriented company”. Today, Panasonic Taiwan manufactures products across a number of categories, including home appliances, digital AV products, automotive electronics, electronic devices and electric motors.

‧Home Appliances:
Leveraging eco-friendly production techniques and universal designs, Panasonic Taiwan continues to develop high added value, eco-friendly products in this category that save on energy and resources---especially high value-added inverters.

‧Digital AV Products:
Flat-panel TVs are at the core of Panasonic Taiwan’s current AV product offering. R&D efforts are actively focusing on developing competitive high definition plasma and LCD televisions

‧Automotive Electronics:
With an emphasis on comfort, confidence, safety and the environment, Panasonic Taiwan works closely with many major automakers to develop and manufacture proprietary multimedia products for automobiles. We also offer an extensive line of standardized AV and vehicle navigation products sold through the after-sale market.

‧Electronic Devices:
Efforts in this category center on the development and extension of ALIVH multi-layer printed circuit boards .

‧Electric Motors:
Electric vacuum motors and automotive motors will be the main pillars of future business expansion.

公司名稱(英) Panasonic Taiwan
公司名稱(中) 台灣松下電器股份有限公司
負責人 洪敏弘
聯絡人 詹秀霞
E-Mail chan.hsiuhsia@tw.panasonic.com
聯絡電話 02-22235121 ext.2939
傳真號碼 02-22271269
公司網址 http://panasonic.com.tw/
地址 新北市中和區員山路579號
  • 儲能相關商品
  • 節能相關商品
  • 智慧家電商品
  • N/A

