


在智慧電網領域,工研院的研究涵蓋再生能源(風力發電、太陽光電、生質能源、海洋能發電…)、微電網管理、電力併網控制、儲能系統、氫能燃料電池、智慧電表系統、使用者能源管理等方向,並有多項成熟技術移轉至業界,例如4kVA~100kVA之太陽光電換能器、三相計費型電子電表、IEC 62056及ANSI C12.22電表通訊協定、智慧電表通訊安全技術、電表資料管理系統及服務業、校園及中小企業能源管理等項。

ITRI, Industrial Technology Research Institute, is consist of core laboratories, focus centers, and linkage centers. ITRI has about 5800 employees, with most of them working is the 6 core labs, including Electronic and Optoelectronics, Information and Communication, Mechanical and System, Material and Chemical, Green Energy and Environment, and Bio-medical and Medical Equipment Labs.
For the smart grid, ITRI’s R&D topics cover the renewable energies like wind power, solar PV, tide ocean power, the micro-grid management, the power interconnection and control, the energy storage system, the hydrogen fuel cell, the advanced metering infrastructure, the user energy management systems, etc. Some mature technologies have been transferred to the industry, say the PV inverters ranging 4kVA to 100kVA, 3-phase digital power meter, IEC 62056 protocol stack, energy management system for convenience store and EMS for campus.

公司名稱(英) Industrial Technology Research
公司名稱(中) 工業技術研究院
負責人 劉文雄
聯絡人 許俊明
E-Mail JimmyCHsu@itri.org.tw
聯絡電話 03-5743726
傳真號碼 03-5726445
公司網址 http://www.itri.org.tw
地址 新竹縣竹東鎮中興路4段195號
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